March 29, 2018
Joe Yoder
How To Landscape Your Yard To Attract Birds
Setting up bird feeders in your backyard is one way to attract birds, but it's certainly not the only way. According to the Fish & Wildlife Service, the right landscaping plan may double the number of bird species that use property. Many bird lovers find the key to being successful is to make your entire property as bird-friendly as possible.
Getting Started:
Food: Birds have unique and changing nutritional needs. First decide which species you want to attract. Then plant the flowers, shrubs and trees that provide the nectar, seeds, grains, berries and acorns that meet their needs. Layer vegetation so birds have plenty of places to feed without feeling crowded.
Water: One of the most important parts of any bird landscaping plan is access to water for drinking and bathing. Include several types of water sources such as a bird bath, water garden and frog pond. Moving water will catch the attention of more birds than still water.
Shelter and Nesting Areas: Plants and trees serve as safe areas for birds looking to hide from predators or get away from bad weather. Create dense areas of vegetation to help birds feel safe and secure, especially in corners and bordered areas. Protect birds by placing bird feeders and nest boxes away from predators.
Additional Tips:
Ask neighbors about how they attract birds and which birds they see most often.
Have your soil tested to determine whether there are any nutrient deficiencies.
Map out your property, including sunny and shady areas and plants you want to keep.
Following these suggestions can make a big difference in the number of birds you see each day. In addition to attracting birds, landscaping can improve your property values and conserve energy. Certain birds can even act as a natural insect control.